What is a recurrent miscarriage or recurrent pregnancy loss?
A miscarriage occurs when a pregnancy is not completed for reasons other than abortion. If a woman undergoes a miscarriage at least 2 times before 20 weeks of pregnancy, recurrent miscarriage can be diagnosed. Although about 15% of pregnancies result in miscarriages, less than 5% of pregnant women will experience two consecutive miscarriages, and less than 2% will experience three or more.
Symptoms of recurrent miscarriage-
Symptoms of Recurrent Miscarriage include:
Slight cramps or slight discharge may occur during a normal pregnancy which does not necessarily imply miscarriage. Women with recurrent pregnancy loss will often be able to identify the symptoms of miscarriage, but it is important to contact your doctor and follow their instructions.
To know more about recurrent miscarriage treatment, causes, and tests, or any other infertility treatments, visit the best IVF centers and get the right solution.
Recurrent miscarriage causes-
A reproductive specialist will examine the patient and demand that they perform tests to identify all possible and probable causes of recurrent pregnancy loss. The Recurrent Miscarriage Causes can be multiple, namely:- Age: After 40 years, more than a third of all pregnancies result in a miscarriage, most of them due to embryos carrying an abnormal number of chromosomes.
- Genetic/chromosomal abnormality: If one or both parents have a genetic or chromosomal abnormality, it could be passed on to the developing embryo and cause pregnancy loss. It is estimated that 3 to 8% of pregnancies are subject to the risks of this fact.
- Anatomical abnormality: This particularly concerns abnormalities in the uterus and cervix. If the uterus contains a septum (a wall of tissue) or if there is any malformation in its cavity, implantation of an embryo will be difficult and pregnancy loss may occur. Indeed, 10 to 15% of pregnancy losses can be affected by this fact. In addition, uterine fibroids or post-surgical scars can cause pregnancy loss.
- Immunological abnormality: The presence of antibodies detected in women with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as other rheumatological diseases, can lead to miscarriages.
- Infection: Certain infections of the cervix and uterus can increase the likelihood of pregnancy loss.
- Metabolic cause: Women with poorly controlled diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome have a high rate of miscarriages.
- Unexplained causes: no obvious explanation exists for 50% of couples suffering from recurrent miscarriage.
Symptoms of recurrent miscarriage-
Symptoms of Recurrent Miscarriage include:
- Slight bleeding that turns into heavy bleeding
- Tissues that look like pink or gray blood clots
- Abdominal pain
- Severe cramps
- Back pain
- Weakness
- Fever
Slight cramps or slight discharge may occur during a normal pregnancy which does not necessarily imply miscarriage. Women with recurrent pregnancy loss will often be able to identify the symptoms of miscarriage, but it is important to contact your doctor and follow their instructions.
Recurrent Miscarriage Treatment-
Recurrent miscarriage treatment include-- Genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in expectant parents can only be diagnosed by recurrent miscarriage tests in the form of blood tests. Although they are not curable, it may be beneficial to talk about these genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in one or both parents with a genetic counselor.
- It is also possible to carry out the preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) or comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) of a fertilized embryo using in vitro fertilization techniques (IVF) through recurrent miscarriage tests.
- Anatomic abnormalities can be treated with surgery, and you can quickly see a dramatic improvement in the pregnancy rate.
- Women with diabetes have a higher chance of getting pregnant if their blood sugar is checked before conception.
- Quitting smoking, cutting down on alcohol and caffeine, exercising, and weight control are good ways for women with recurrent miscarriages. These can be combined with taking folic acid supplements without forgetting the frequent ultrasounds in early pregnancy to better prevent a recurrent miscarriage. Couples suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss can also benefit from psychological support.
To know more about recurrent miscarriage treatment, causes, and tests, or any other infertility treatments, visit the best IVF centers and get the right solution.
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