
Showing posts from October, 2019

Should you go for genetic testing at the time of pregnancy?

Genetic testing means examining your DNA i.e. your chemical database which has instructions to handle your body functions. Genetic testing showcases changes in your genes which is causing any disease. Though genetic testing can offer important details about diagnosing, treating and preventing disease, but it has its limitations. For instance, if a health person gets a positive result, it doesn’t generally mean that he will develop a disease. And, sometimes a negative result doesn’t guarantee that you will not get a particular illness There are several types of genetic testing available for different purposes. Diagnostic testing: If you have a disease symptom which may have occurred because of genetic alteration, then genetic testing can reveal the problem. You can use this test to confirm diagnosis of kidney problems, hemochromatosis etc. Presymptomatic and predictive testing: If you have a genetic problem in your family history, then going for genetic testing before t...